Common Name(s): Makore, douka, cherry mahogany
Scientific Name: Tieghemella heckelii (and T. africana)
Distribution: Western and Middle Africa (from Sierra Leone to Gabon)
Tree Size: 180–200 ft (55–60 m) tall,
4–6 ft (1.2–1.8 m) trunk diameter
Density is the measurement of a wood’s weight per unit volume. Here, "dried weight" specifically refers to wood at 12% moisture content, and values are given in pounds per cubic foot and kilograms per cubic meter. Also keep in mind that density commonly varies by +/- 10% from the average.
Click on the link "Average Dried Weight" for more details. 42.9 lbs/ft3 (685 kg/m3) Medium-Low WEIGHT TIERS
Extremely Low: 0+ kg/m3
Very Low: 420+ kg/m3
Low: 520+ kg/m3
Medium-Low: 620+ kg/m3
Medium: 730+ kg/m3
Medium-High: 840+ kg/m3
High: 960+ kg/m3
Very High: 1,080+ kg/m3
Extremely High: 1,200+ kg/m3
Tiers are based on CSIRO provisional strength groupings (SD1-SD8) based on density.
This test measures a wood’s resistance to indentation, and is the pounds of force (or Newtons) required to embed a .444" (11.28 mm) diameter steel ball halfway into the wood. Values are for side grain, measured at 12% MC.
Click on the link "Janka Hardness" for more details. 1,200 lbf (5,350 N) Medium-Low JANKA HARDNESS TIERS
Extremely Low: 0+ N
Very Low: 2,050+ N
Low: 3,150+ N
Medium-Low: 4,480+ N
Medium: 6,280+ N
Medium-High: 8,380+ N
High: 11,080+ N
Very High: 14,000+ N
Extremely High: 17,450+ N
Tiers are derived from CSIRO provisional strength classifications (SD1-SD8) in conjunction with the USDA's estimated hardness based on density.
Modulus of Rupture:MODULUS OF RUPTURE
Sometimes called bending strength, this test measures a wood’s strength before breaking (i.e., rupturing). Values are given in pounds of force per square inch and megapascals, measured at 12% MC.
Click on the link "Modulus of Rupture" for more details. 16,330 lbf/in2 (112.6 MPa) High MOR TIERS
Extremely Low: 0+ MPa
Very Low: 45+ MPa
Low: 55+ MPa
Medium-Low: 65+ MPa
Medium: 78+ MPa
Medium-High: 94+ MPa
High: 110+ MPa
Very High: 130+ MPa
Extremely High: 150+ MPa
Tiers are based on CSIRO strength classifications (SD1-SD8).
This test measures the wood’s level of deformation when under a given load. Higher values indicate less deformation (i.e., stiffer). Values are given in pounds of force per square inch and gigapascals, measured at 12% MC.
Click on the link "Elastic Modulus" for more details. 1,552,000 lbf/in2 (10.71 GPa) Medium-Low MOE TIERS
Extremely Low: 0+ GPa
Very Low: 7.9+ GPa
Low: 9.1+ GPa
Medium-Low: 10.5+ GPa
Medium: 12.5+ GPa
Medium-High: 14.0+ GPa
High: 16.0+ GPa
Very High: 18.5+ GPa
Extremely High: 21.5+ GPa
Tiers are based on CSIRO strength classifications (SD1-SD8).
Also called compression strength, this test measures the maximum stress sustained before failure. Force is applied parallel to the grain (producing stress akin to chair legs). Values are given in pounds of force per square inch and megapascals, measured at 12% MC.
Click on the link "Crushing Strength" for more details. 8,290 lbf/in2 (57.2 MPa) Medium-High CRUSHING STRENGTH TIERS
Extremely Low: 0+ MPa
Very Low: 30+ MPa
Low: 36+ MPa
Medium-Low: 41+ MPa
Medium: 47+ MPa
Medium-High: 54+ MPa
High: 61+ MPa
Very High: 70+ MPa
Extremely High: 80+ MPa
Tiers are based on CSIRO strength classifications (SD1-SD8).
These values represent the percentage change in radial and tangential faces of the wood—as well as the total (volumetric) shrinkage—as the moisture content goes from green (maximum) down to oven-dry (minimum), approximating the wood's stability with changes in humidity. T/R ratio helps to estimate the uniformity of the shrinkage across different wood faces.
Click on the link "Shrinkage" for more details. Radial: 5.5%, Tangential: 7.7% High SHRINKAGE TIERS
Very Low: 0%+
Low: 3.6%+
Medium: 5.1%+
High: 6.6%+
Very High: 8.1%+
Tiers are based on tangential shrinkage (green to oven-dry) from CSIRO shrinkage classifications (1-5).
Volumetric: 12.4%, T/R Ratio: 1.4
Color/Appearance: Heartwood pink or reddish brown, sometimes with streaks of mild color variation. Yellowish sapwood can be two to three inches wide, and is clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Figured grain patterns (such as mottled or curly) are a common occurrence.
Grain/Texture: Grain generally straight, though interlocked or wavy grain is sometimes present. Fine, even texture with good natural luster.
Rot Resistance: Heartwood is very durable, and is also resistant to insect attack.
Workability: Generally easy to work, though sections with interlocked grain can cause tearout during planing or other machining operations. Makore will react when put into direct contact with iron, becoming discolored and stained. Makore also has a pronounced blunting effect on cutters due to its high silica content. Besides this dulling effect, makore turns well, and is easy to glue and finish.
Odor: No characteristic odor.
Allergies/Toxicity: Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, makore has been reported to cause eye, throat, and skin irritation, as well as headache, giddiness, and central nervous system and blood effects. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information.
Pricing/Availability: Available in lumber and veneer form. Prices should be in the mid range for an imported hardwood. Boards and veneer with figured grain patterns are likely to be much more expensive.
Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices, but is on the IUCN Red List. It is listed as endangered due to a population reduction of over 50% in the past three generations, caused by a decline in its natural range, and exploitation.
Common Uses: Veneer, plywood, furniture, cabinetry, flooring, boatbuilding, musical instruments, turned objects, and other small wooden specialty items.
Comments: Also grouped with makore is Tieghemella africana, sometimes called douka. Both woods are used interchangeably. Makore is sometimes used in place of African mahogany (Khaya spp.), and has been sold under the trade name cherry mahogany, though the wood is not closely related to any of the species or genera in the mahogany (Meliaceae) family.
Images: Drag the slider up/down to toggle between raw and finished wood.
A special thanks to Justin Holden for providing a wood sample of this wood species.
Identification: See the article on Hardwood Anatomy for definitions of end grain features.
Specifies the overall pore structure (ring-porous, semi-ring-porous, or diffuse porous), and notes if annual growth rings may still be seen even for diffuse porous hardwoods.
Click on the link “Porosity” for more details. diffuse porous; growth rings generally not distinct
Describes the more individual pore arrangements found throughout the end grain surface, such as solitary, multiples, chains, clusters, etc.
Click on the link “Arrangement” for more details. predominantly in pore chains and radial multiples of two to five
Describes the relative size and frequency of the pores (vessels), as well as any contents found in the pores, such as tyloses, colored mineral deposits, etc.
Click on the link “Vessels” for more details. large, few; tyloses/deposits occasionally present
Describes the relative width and frequency of the rays (appearing as thin vertical lines on the endgrain), as well as a note on if these rays are visible with/without magnification.
Click on the link “Rays” for more details. narrow width, normal spacing; rays not visible without magnification
Lookalikes/Substitutes: Makore has sometimes been compared to various mahoganies, but it can usually be separated from most other lookalike woods on the basis of its relatively uncommon pore arrangement into radial multiples. The pores will appear as though they are stacked vertically (or slightly diagonally) when viewed on the endgrain.
Notes: Makore gives a very strong response to the froth test.
Related Species:
The Tieghemella genus only contains two species (T. africana and T. heckelii) both of which are sold interchangeably as makore and are represented on this page.
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